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This kills self-esteem and shuts down executive function [VLOG]

Yulia Rafailova

Dear parents and educators, I am willing to bet my right arm that awareness, curiosity, and creativity is far more important to a child's development than is discipline, comprehension, and competency. Yet, school is OBSESSED with teaching, testing, and improving those last three things. In an effort to measure your child's performance and productivity schools have neatly organized, standardized, and quantified lessons by category, grade, and benchmark (like an assembly line in a learning factory.) On top of that, school generally rewards kids who stay in line and get the answers right and punishes kids who misbehave or make mistakes (AKA earning "good" grades vs "bad" grades). But the truth is, learning is messy. The lessons we learn are embedded in the mistakes that we make. And it's in the state of not knowing where awareness, curiosity, and creativity lead us to our greatest "Aha!" moments. When kids don't feel safe enough (at school or at home) to make a mistake for fear of being judged or punished, the lesson is lost. In fact, the lesson kids learn when we judge them by their mistakes, is their mistakes are wrong and should be avoided at all costs. Including the cost of your child's self-esteem, self-worth, and their self-reliance. So parents, In this week's video, I show you how to unteach this lesson at home.

More specifically, you will learn how to heal your relationship, boost your child's self-esteem, and activate their executive function by avoiding one toxic habit. You will understand the process I use to help your kids learn life-long lessons from every mistake and mishap - whether they failed a test, or cursed at you, or shattered the really big, really expensive living-room window. (I confess that those are all personal examples from my own "explosive" childhood.) If you don't have 10 minutes to spare right now, skip to the last 60 seconds for the quick version - I promise it is worth your time.

In service, Yulia

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